Minister for European Affairs Strand to visit Brussels

Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering Joakim Strand will visit Brussels on 18–19 November. The programme for his visit will include an event focusing on recruiting more Finns to EU institutions, a discussion event on protecting and strengthening European democracy and a meeting of the EU General Affairs Council.
On Monday 18 November, Minister Strand will meet at Finland’s Permanent Representation to the EU with Finnish trainees working at the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament. Their discussions will focus on the best ways to increase the number of Finns working in EU institutions. Promoting EU recruitment is important, as it plays a key role in Finland’s ability to exert influence in the EU.
“The more Finns we have working for the EU, the more those institutions know about the special characteristics of Finland. Students, recent graduates and young people are especially important target groups when it comes to increasing Finns’ interest in applying for and taking up EU positions. I would like to encourage Finnish trainees working in EU institutions to continue their careers in the EU. They are very well equipped to do so,” said Minister Strand.
On Tuesday 19 November, Minister Strand will attend a discussion event convened by German Minister for European Affairs Anna Lührmann on strengthening and defending European democracy in the current geopolitical landscape and on countering disruptive and hostile information influence activities. At the event, Minister Strand will highlight Finland’s experiences with mainstreaming media literacy. Representatives of the Member States, the Commission and the European External Action Service have been invited to take part in the discussion.
Minister Strand will also represent Finland at the meeting of the EU General Affairs Council on 19 November. Topics on the agenda for the meeting include preparations for the December European Council, the Council’s annual rule of law dialogue and respect for the EU’s values in Hungary.
“Supporting Ukraine and strengthening the EU’s preparedness for crises are key themes for Finland at this meeting and going forward. Both require strong, comprehensive and long-term commitment. It is clear that Europe has to do more,” Minister Strand said.
The General Affairs Council will continue its annual rule of law dialogue with discussions on the rule of law situation in Austria, Malta, the Netherlands and Poland. Finland’s long-standing policy on rule of law issues aims to promote the rule of law and the fight against corruption in the EU.
The GAC will also receive an update on respect for the EU’s values in Hungary. No substantive decisions will be made at the meeting, nor will the GAC be formulating a position. Finland will continue to exert influence to ensure strict adherence to the EU’s common values. Democracy, the rule of law and fundamental and human rights are the foundation for all activities of the EU.
“Respect for the values of the Union and the rule of law are more than just legal questions; they are the cornerstones of stability and trust throughout Europe. Finland wants to strengthen our shared commitment to these values and combat corruption in all Member States,” Minister Strand said.
In the General Affairs Council (GAC), the EU Member States are primarily represented by their ministers for European affairs. The tasks of the GAC include preparations for the European Council meetings. The GAC is also responsible for a number of cross-cutting policy areas, including negotiations on the multiannual financial framework and EU enlargement. Questions related to the rule of law are also an established part of the GAC’s agenda.
Inquiries: Alexander Lång, Special Adviser, tel. +358 295 160 866 and Heli Siivola, Senior Specialist for EU Affairs, tel. +358 50 576 7745, Prime Minister’s Office